Verdant TCS

Diagnosing and Fixing: Error Establishing a Database Connection

This is one of the more common, and more scary WordPress errors, but it can usually be solved pretty quickly. Below is our guide to diagnosing and fixing the database connection errors on your WordPress sites. For those very rare cases where it can’t be solved, such as Malware/hacks that can’t be undone, you’ll need […]

Troubleshooting the SendGrid SMTP Integration

Previously, our SendGrid integration worked right out of the box once toggled on for the site you wish to use it on. More often than not now though, you will likely need to verify your domain with SendGrid for them to start sending mail from your website. ABOUT OUR INTEGRATION Our SendGrid integration is fairly […]

Nginx Rate Limiting and Plugins (Including Oxygen)

Third-Party Software Notice Our support team cannot provide support for third-party software and services. However, if you need assistance or spot an issue with this article please post in the vCanopy Community Forum, and we will make necessary updates/improvements where needed. Introduction This article was originally focused on the Oxygen Builder, which is our most […]

WordPress Debug and Query Monitor

WordPress Debug and the excellent Query Monitor plugin are a highly effective combination to help you diagnose performance issues on your individual WordPress websites. AN INTRO TO WP_DEBUG If you’re having issues with your site, WordPress debug mode can help you find out what’s going wrong by recording any and all PHP errors that occur […]

Diagnosing 504 Timeouts and Performance Issues

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction What Causes a 504 Error? 1. Check Monit 2. Check top and htop 3. Check MySQL 4. Check Your Website Database 5. Check Your Website Debug/Error Logs 6. Check Your Website PHP Settings 7. Check Your Access Logs (Are you under attack?) 8. Has Your Site Been Compromised? Further Troubleshooting Steps if CPU […]