Verdant TCS

How to setup Netdata on your vCanopy Servers

Netdata is a very cool (and totally FREE!) server monitoring tool and alert system. We’ve recently been asked about it, and while we can’t provide support for it, for those of you who are interested in checking it out, this guide is for you. Also, big thanks to “WordPresseh” for contributing the original KB to […]

Using Cloudflare with vCanopy

Most PaaS Cloud VPS providers include DNS management as part of their platform, the same is usually true for your domain registrar. While these solutions may be adequate in most situations, there is a lot to be said for using a specialist DNS provider. As with every aspect of your technology stack, it is generally […]

Elasticsearch and ElasticPress

Introduction Elasticsearch is a feature available to all our users on the developer plan. This is a great feature for anyone who has a site that has a lot of information, for example, a large news website or blog, a knowledgebase, or a large e-commerce store. TABLE OF CONTENTS What is Elasticsearch? Using Elasticsearch on […]

Updating Cloudflare Real IPs

WRITTEN BY THOMAS RAEF This article was contributed by Thomas Raef, the founder of Thomas runs a website protection, monitoring and malware removal service and is one of a very, very short list of people who we recommend for this service. Introduction In the course of analyzing log files for both SEO and security […]

Installing and Configuring New Relic for WordPress

Third-Party Software Notice Our support team cannot provide support for third-party software and services. However, if you spot an issue with this article please let us know and we will endeavor to bring it up-to-date ASAP. Introduction New Relic One is a powerful full-stack data analysis  platform for all your software’s metrics, events, and logs. Their […]