Add New System Users and Manage Existing Users on Your vCanopy Servers

Introduction  System users are an important part of your WordPress security systems. Unlike most traditional hosting where all of the websites on your account are owned by one individual system user, vCanopy makes it extremely easy to add each of the websites you host to their own, individual system users. TABLE OF CONTENTS Always Use […]

Add default SSH Keys

vCanopy has a Default SSH Keys feature which allows you to set any SSH Keys you have added to your vCanopy User Settings to default so that they will be added automatically to any servers you provision with vCanopy. Please note, this feature does not work retroactively, that is to say any default keys which you mark as default will […]

Connect to a vCanopy Server by SFTP as System User

When we want to download/upload files and folders to our Serious WordPress site we should use SFTP (it’s stronger than FTP), or SSH File transfer Protocol, to securely access our System Users’ sites’ directories. Want to watch this process? Here you go:   Step 1. Ensure you have an Active System User added to vCanopy […]

Connect to a vCanopy server by SSH as Root user

With vCanopy your servers are your own. You have full access to them and may wish to connect to them as a root user to administer them as you see fit. In this article we will look at how to do this. Step 1. Ensure you have an Active SSH key  If you haven’t already, […]

Connect to a vCanopy Server by SFTP as Root user

With vCanopy your servers are your own. You have full access to them and may wish to connect to them as a root user to administer them as you see fit. In this article we will look at how to connect to a vCanopy server as root by SFTP to manage files, directories and permissions […]

Delete an Active vCanopy Server

Deleting an Active Server from your vCanopy dashboard is easy.  If the server was created using a Cloud Provider API, deleting it from your vCanopy dashboard will also destroy it. If the server was created using the Custom VPS provider script, deleting it from vCanopy will only remove it from your dashboard. You will need […]