Using vCanopy AutoSSL

vCanopy AutoSSL automatically attempts to provision an SSL for any domain that is added to a vCanopy managed site. It will begin first with the site’s primary domain, before moving on to provision SSL for all other attached domains.  If the SSL is successfully enabled for the site’s primary domain, then the state of AutoSSL […]

Using vCanopy AutoSSL

vCanopy AutoSSL automatically attempts to provision an SSL for any domain that is added to a vCanopy managed site. It will begin first with the site’s primary domain, before moving on to provision SSL for all other attached domains. If the SSL is successfully enabled for the site’s primary domain, then the state of AutoSSL […]

Provisioning an SSL for a domain using Webroot Domain Verification

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Step 1. Ensure DNS records resolve to the server Step 2. Go to the Sites Section of the vCanopy Control Panel Step 3. Open the Site Customization Panel for your Active site Step 4. Enable Lets Encrypt SSL for Your Domain SSL Support Information Introduction This article will explain how to […]

Adding SSL certificates to vCanopy Sites – An Overview

It is very easy to add SSL Certificates from the free Let’s Encrypt Certificate Provider to the domains associated with your vCanopy site. This will allow your site and it’s domains to be served by the encrypted HTTPS protocol, and your visitors will also benefit from the speed increased enabled by HTTP2 which only works […]

Provisioning a Wildcard SSL for a domain using DNS API Domain verification

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Sign up for an account at a DNS Provider Store your DNS Provider API Keys in vCanopy Step 1. Go to the Sites Section of the vCanopyControl Panel Step 2. Open the Site Customization Panel for your Active site Step 3. Ensure Domain API Integration is set to Full Step 4. […]