Verdant TCS

Adjusting MySQL Monit Memory

vCanopy uses Monit to manage services and restart them if they start misbehaving. We set MySQL to restart if it starts using too much CPU or Memory. Sometimes you might wish to adjust these settings yourself if you think Monit is restarting MySQL too often. This is most likely to be the case if you […]

Monit SSL Renewal Failure Notification in the Dashboard or Slack

TABLE OF CONTENTS  Introduction The SSL Monitoring Logs Reviewing the Logs What Causes SSL Renewal Failures? Introduction Monit checks your SSL renewal logs once per day and if a renewal failure has occurred it will trigger a notification in your dashboard and send a notification to Slack (if you have Slack notifications enabled). Often a […]

Why Can’t I Access My Server Stats (Monit) / PHPMyAdmin (PHPMA)?

Introduction  If you’re unable to open up your server stats (Monit) or PHPMyAdmin (PHPMA), in most cases it’s likely due to the browser that you’re using. Some browsers (including Safari and Microsoft Edge) will require you to go through HTTP authentication before it will opening up. There may be other cases, however, that give you […]

A Guide to Monit/Slack Notifications

vCanopy has a very handy integration for Slack that will send you notifications about Monit activities, errors and warnings. We highly recommend that you take advantage of them, and you can learn how to do just that in this guide: How to set up Slack Notifications This article will focus on the actual notifications you […]

Manually Configure Monit/Slack Notifications for Disk Space Warnings

vCanopy will automatically notify you once your server disk space exceeds 80% capacity. This first notification happens one time, and then another will happen if your disk spaces exceed 85% capacity. This is a good time to start looking at freeing up some space on your server. After 90%, notifications will start happening with increased […]

Configure Monit Service Management and Notifications with GP-CLI

Introduction  vCanopy uses Monit to manage services and restart them if they start misbehaving. Sometimes you might wish to adjust these settings yourself – for example, if you think Monit is restarting MySQL too often. You can completely customize the way Monit monitors and restarts the microservices on your servers, and when it sends notifications […]