Verdant TCS

Do I Leave Secure Debug On?

To keep the contents secure, vCanopy has a custom Secure Debug log which takes the default WordPress debug log and places it in the domain root one level above the htdocs directory. Should you leave Secure Debug On? No. Secure debug is a handy tool for actively debugging WordPress issues. However, once you’ve completed your […]

I Use Cloudflare, and When I Ping My Site, My Server IP Doesn’t Show Up

That means you have CloudFlare’s DNS Proxy (orange cloud) activated. When a record is orange clouded, it means traffic to that hostname is running through CloudFlare. That include Masking your IP Caching SSL certificates on the edge servers (you still need a vCanopy SSL, which must be provisioned BEFORE you set orange cloud proxy) Only A, […]

Pushed my site from staging to live and it still has staging links or vice versa.

END OF 2020 UPDATE We have dramatically improved our cloning/staging push processes, and this update included replacing WP-CLI Search Replace with Interconnectit Search Replace. This is a far more reliable tool, even more so than most plugins. When you push from staging to live or live to staging, we automatically do find and replaces of URLs in the […]

Why Can’t I Access My Server Stats (Monit) / PHPMyAdmin (PHPMA)?

Introduction  If you’re unable to open up your server stats (Monit) or PHPMyAdmin (PHPMA), in most cases it’s likely due to the browser that you’re using. Some browsers (including Safari and Microsoft Edge) will require you to go through HTTP authentication before it will opening up. There may be other cases, however, that give you […]

Why do some servers fail to provision correctly?

Unfortunately not every server that’s created get’s successfully provisioned. Almost all API servers do, and so do almost all custom VPS provisions when everything is setup correctly, but even then sometimes things fail. Below outlines why this happens. Failed at 10% If your server only made it to 10%, that means our app couldn’t connect […]

An Introduction to CPU Steal, I/O wait and the top command

CPU steal can be highly problematic. Fortunately it’s not common place on the providers we integrate with, but we do see this from time to time, and you may have seen us mention “noisy neighbours” in the Facebook group or directly on support. In this article we’ll give you a brief overview of what CPU […]